Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Apakah memakai jasa arsitek itu mahal? atau murah?
Bila dilihat dari sisi pekerjaannya sehari-hari, ada kesamaan. Dokter melakukan tugas konsultasi, dimana kita bisa datang ketempat praktek dan menyampaikan keperluan kita. Lalu sang dokter bisa memberikan kita pengarahan, dan obat ringan yang bisa kita beli di apotik. Dan bila penyakit kita serius, maka kita harus segera pergi ke rumah sakit dan bila perlu, kita di bedah/operasi...kira-kira seperti itu bukan?
Desainer juga melakukan hal yang hampir sama, anda berkonsultansi dengan mereka, dan sang desainer memberikan gambar awal, dan bila berlanjut maka gambar dibuat lebih detail, dan pada saatnya, proyek akan dilaksanan.
Dokter dan Desainer adalah manusia biasa yang memiliki pengetahuan/ketrampilan khusus. Bila kita sakit, dokter tidak bisa mengetahui langsung apa penyakit kita, tahap awal kita harus berbicara dengan jelas, komunikasikan apa keluhan kita, semakin kita tepat berkomunikasi, semakin jelas apa yang dapat sang dokter mengerti, dan memberikan input awal...
Dengan desainer, kita pun perlu untuk memberikan apa yang kita inginkan dengan jelas, desainer tidak bisa mengerti dengan pasti, apa yang ada dikepala kita. Mereka hanya mencoba mendengarkan dengan baik dan mengambil kesimpulan dari info tersebut. Sama dengan dokter, bila sang pasien salah/kurang baik cara berkomunikasinya, maka sang dokter pun sulit dan bisa salah mengdiagnosa. Begitu juga dengan desainer, bila keinginan anda tidak jelas, maka jangan heran, bila sang arsitek salah menebak apa keinginan anda....
Udah pasti mahal...itu tenaga ahli bro!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Terapi 6 Gelas Air
Beberapa peneliti memang sudah melakukan kajian mendalam tentang keajaiban air. Anda tentu masih ingat, penelitian Prof. Masaru Emoto dan beberapa bukupun terbit karena penelitian Beliau.
Berikut ini, saya haturkan kepada Anda terapi air dari Prof. S. Periasamy DIM & DACC – India yang memang Beliau persembahkan untuk seluruh bangsa di dunia.
Tuhan telah memberikan kita air yang banyak dan gratis, tanpa mengeluarkan uang untuk obat-obatan, tablet, suntikan dan diagnosa, biaya dokter dll. Hanya minum air minum, penyakit di bawah ini bisa disembuhkan. Anda tidak percaya sebelum melakukannya. Di bawah ini daftar penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh terapi ini:
Sakit kepala
Darah tinggi, Kurang darah
Rematik, Lumpuh
Radang/sakit persendian
Radang selaput lendir
Gangguan jantung
Mabuk, pusing, gamang
Batuk, asma, Bronchitis TBC paru-paru
Radang otak, batu ginjal, penyakit saluran kencing
Kelebihan asam urat,
Mencret, disentri, ambeien, sembelit, Hostorbics
Kencing manis, penyakit mata, pendarahan di mata, mata merah
Haid tidak teratur, leukimia
Kanker payudara, kanker peranakan
Radang tenggorokan
Bagaimana air minum itu bekerja ?
Meminum air biasa dengan metode yang benar, memurnikan tubuh manusia. Hal itu membuat usus besar bekerja lebih efektif dengan cara membentuk darah baru, dalam istilah medis dikenal sebagai Aematopaises. Bahwa mucousal fold pada usus besar dan usus kecil diaktifkan oleh metode ini, merupakan fakta yang tak terbantah, seperti teori yang menyatakan bahwa darah segar baru diproduksi oleh mucousal fold ini.
Bila usus bersih, maka gizi makanan yang di makan beberapa kali dalam sehari akan diserap dan dengan kerja mucousal fold, gizi makanan akan dirubah menjadi darah baru. Darah merupakan merupakan hal yang paling penting dalam menyembuhkan penyakit dan memelihara kesehatan, karena itu air hendaknya dikonsumsikan dengan teratur.
Bagaimana melakukan terapi air ini?
Pagi hari ketika anda baru bangun tidur (bahkan tanpa gosok gigi terlebih dahulu) minum 1,5 liter air (5 – 6 gelas). Lebih baik airnya ditakar terlebih dahulu 1,5 liter. Ketahuilah bahwa nenek moyang kami menamakan terapi ini sebagai “Usha paana chikitsa) setelah itu anda boleh mencuci muka.
Hal yang sangat penting untuk diketahui bahwa jangan minum atau makan apapun satu jam sebelum dan sesudah minum 1,5 air ini. Juga telah diteliti dengan seksama bahwa tidak boleh minum minuman beralkohol pada malam sebelumnya.
Bila perlu gunakan air rebus atau air yang sudah disaring
Apakah mungkin minum 1,5 liter air sekaligus?
Untuk permulaan, mungkin terasa sulit untuk meminum 1,5 liter air sekaligus, tapi lambat laun akan terbiasa juga. Mula-mula ketika latihan, anda boleh minum 4 gelas dulu dan sisanya 2 gelas diminum 2 menit kemudian. Awalnya anda akan buang air kecil 2 hingga 3 kali perjam, tapi setelah beberapa lama akan normal kembali. Menurut penelitian dan pengalaman, penyakit-penyakit berikut dapat disembuhkan dengan terapi ini dalam waktu seperti tertulis dibawah ini:
Sembelit 1 hari
Asam urat 2 hari
TBC paru-paru 3 bulan
Tekanan darah 4 minggu
Kencing manis 7 hari
Kanker 4 minggu
Catatan :
Disarankan agar pederita radang/sakit persendian dan rematik pelaksanaan terapi ini 3 kali sehari, yaitu pagi siang dan malam satu jam sebelum makan selama satu minggu. Setelah itu 2 kali sehari sampai penyakit sembuh.
Kami mohon dengan sangat, metode diatas dibaca dan dipraktekkan dengan seksama serta dibarengi Doa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pencipta.
Tahukah Anda bahwa air bisa jadi obat?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Jam 07.00 - 09.00
Jam piket organ lambung sedang kuat, sebaiknya makan pagi untuk proses pembentukan energi tubuh sepanjang hari. Minum jus atau ramuansebaiknya sebelum sarapan pagi, perut masih kosong sehingga zat yangberguna segera terserap tubuh.
Jam 09.00 - 11.00
Jam piket organ limpa kuat, dalam mentransportasi cairan nutrisi untuk energi pertumbuhan. Bila pada jam-jam ini mengantuk, berarti fungsi limpa lemah. Kurangi konsumsi gula, lemak, minyak dan protein hewani.
Jam 11.00 - 13.00
Jam piket organ jantung kuat, harus istirahat, hindari panas dan olah fisik, ambisi dan emosi terutama pada penderita gangguan pembuluh darah.
Jam 13.00 - 15.00
Jam piket organ hati lemah, bila orang tidur, darah merah berkumpul dalam organ hati dan terjadi proses regenerasi sel-sel hati. Apabila fungsi hati kuat maka tubuh kuat untuk menangkal semua penyakit.
Jam 15.00 - 17.00
Jam piket organ paru-paru lemah, diperlukan istirahat, tidur untuk proses pembuangan racun dan proses pembentukan energi paru-paru
Jam 17.00 - 19.00
Jam piket organ ginjal kuat, sebaiknya digunakan untuk belajar karena terjadi proses pembentukan sumsum tulang dan otak serta kecerdasan.
Jam 19.00 - 21.00
Jam piket organ lambung lemah sebaiknya tidak mengkonsumsi makan yang sulit dicerna atau lama dicerna atau lebih baik sudah berhenti makan
Jam 21.00 - 23.00
Jam piket organ limpa lemah, terjadi proses pembuangan racun dan
proses regenerasi sel limpa. Sebaiknya istirahat sambil mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan jiwa, untuk meningkatkan imunitas.
Jam 23.00 - 01.00
Jam piket organ jantung lemah. Sebaiknya sudah beristirahat tidur,apabila masih terus bekerja atau begadang dapat melemahkan fungsi jantung.
Jam 01.00 - 03.00
Jam piket organ hati kuat. Terjadi proses pembuangan racun/limbah
hasil metabolisme tubuh. Apabila ada gangguan fungsi hati tercermin pada kotoran dan gangguan mata. Apabila ada luka dalam akan terasa nyeri.
Jam 03.00 - 05.00
Jam piket organ paru-paru kuat, terjadi proses pembuangan limbah/racun pada organ paru-paru, apabila terjadi batuk, bersin-bersin dan berkeringat menandakan adanya gangguan fungsi paru-paru. Sebaiknya digunakan untuk olah nafas untuk mendapatkan energi paru yang sehat dan kuat.
Jam 05.00 - 07.00
Jam piket organ usus besar kuat, sebaiknya biasakan BAB secara teratur
Ada sebuah artikel tentang jam kerja organ tubuh kita dan ada sedikit deskripsi tentang apa yang sebaiknya kita lakukan pada jam-jam tersebut untuk menjaga kesehatan kita
Hs= (A x B x V) (V/n) + (C x V)
Hs= harga desain
A= upah harian buruh terendah di daerah tempat bekerja
B= nilai intelektualitas subyektif (Newbie = 3, Average = 6, Profesional = 12) (atau diantarnya)
C= biaya operasional (listrik, komputer, internet, transport, print, presentasi) (dihitung perhari)
n= jumlah hari kerja (1 hari kerja = 7jam)
V= beban pekerjaan (spesial request, tingkat kesulitan, konsep, artistik, dll) (dihitung hari)
Contoh :
(20.000 x 6 x 4) (4/4) + (80.000 x 4) = 800.000
Upah harian = 800.000 / 4 = 200.000
(20.000 x 6 x 4) (4/2) + (80.000 x 4) = 1.280.000
Upah harian = 1.280.000 / 2 = 640.000
AVERAGE SLOW ORDER, n=10 V=4 (molor, telat, dll)
(20.000 x 6 x 4) (4/10) + (80.000 x 4) = 512.000
Upah harian = 512.000 / 10 = 51.200
(20.000 x 12 x 4) (4/4) + (80.000 x 4) = 1.280.000
Upah harian = 1.280.000 / 4 = 320.000
(20.000 x 12 x 4) (4/2) + (80.000 x 4) = 2.240.000
Upah harian = 2.240.000 / 2 = 1.120.000
PROF SLOW ORDER, n=10 V=4 (molor, telat, dll)
(20.000 x 12 x 4) (4/10) + (80.000 x 4) = 704.000
Upah harian = 704.000 / 10 = 70.400
Free Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49
Models for architectural modelling in 3D studio Max.
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49
Year of release: 2007
The Developer: Evermotion
The Platform: Windows All
Language: English
The Description:
Models for architectural modelling in 3D studio Max.
All models of excellent quality!
Formats of files: *.3ds, *, obj, *.max, *.jpg
Pergunakan fasilitas Search google di blog ini dengan copy & paste,
contoh Archmodels Vol.1 - armchairs,sofas - 115 models
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di Search engine google
The information:
Archmodels Vol.1 - armchairs, sofas - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.2 - knickknacks - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.3 - lamps - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.4 - doors, windows - 125 models
Archmodels Vol.5 - armchairs - 43 models
Archmodels Vol.6 - a bathing accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.7 - technics - 76 models
Archmodels Vol.8 - office accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.9 - tables, cases - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.10 - kitchen - 134 models
Archmodels Vol.11 - beds - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.12 - lamps - 117 models
Archmodels Vol.13 - street - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.14 - street lamps - 120 models
Archmodels Vol.15 - душевые, bathrooms - 116 models
Archmodels Vol.16 - modern furniture - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.17 - ex-terriers - 30 models
Archmodels Vol.18 - a kitchen accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.19 - knickknacks - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.20 - office - 104 models
Archmodels Vol.21 - modern furniture - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.22 - subjects for a garden - 108 models
Archmodels Vol.23 - home appliances - 98 models
Archmodels Vol.24 - house plants - 63 models
Archmodels Vol.25 - knickknacks - 117 models
Archmodels Vol.26 - knickknacks - 116 models
Archmodels Vol.27 - sports stock - 96 models
Archmodels Vol.28 - lamps - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.29 - furniture - 139 models
Archmodels Vol.30 - clothes, towels - 78 models
Archmodels Vol.31 - trees, bushes - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.32 - knickknacks - 98 models
Archmodels Vol.33 - classical furniture - 96 models
Archmodels Vol.34 - sculptures - 50 models
Archmodels Vol.35 - technics, computers - 98 models
Archmodels Vol.36 - beds - 96 models
Archmodels Vol.37 - beds - 90 models
Archmodels Vol.38 - lamps - 134 models
Archmodels Vol.39 - an accessories - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.40 - knickknacks - 100 models
Archmodels Vol.41 - flowers - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.42 - plants - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.43 - modern furniture - 115 models
Archmodels Vol.44 - furniture for shops - 70 models
Archmodels Vol.45 - modern furniture - 100 models
Archmodels Vol.46 - an accessories for bathing - 70 models
Archmodels Vol.47 - game devices - 65 models
Archmodels Vol.48 - boats, yachts - 34 models
Archmodels Vol.49 - bags, backpacks - 70 models
Viewing -Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49-Format PDF
Viewing -Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49-Format PDF
Viewing -Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49-Format PDF
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49[/b]
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49
Evermotion Archmodels Vol.1-49
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Interior Design Online
Online Interior Design Schools give students the option of learning to apply their interest in environmental aesthetic appeal and design at home at their own convenience. Students can get hands-on experience in fabric selection, purchasing furniture, and interaction with suppliers.
Online Interior Design students will learn to determine client needs, use principles and elements of color and design; floor, wall and window treatments; and to begin and operate a business in Interior Design and Interior Decorating.
Online Interior Design students can also expect to be presented with courses in communications, history of design and architecture, three-dimensional design, computer-aided drafting and design, space planning, and problem solving. Coursework should also cover hospitality design, retail store design, specialty design, exhibit design, and corporate design.
Possibilities for specialization in Online Interior Design programs are varied and broad. Interior Design students can choose to focus on particular aspect of design, such as styles, color schemes, and furnishings; specific locations, such as pleasing environments for medical waiting rooms; or commercial designs for dedicated functions. Specializations can be focused entirely on residential kitchens, recreation areas, or bathrooms, or on restaurant kitchens or restaurant seating areas. Careers in Interior Design field can be as broad or as narrow as the Interior Design professional chooses.
Graduate programs in Online Interior Design are also offered. Graduate level Online Interior Design courses prepare students for more independent and higher level positions in commercial and residential design, planning, showroom management, as well as positions in office management. Online Interior Design graduate students may also focus on preparations for success taking the National Council for Interior Design Qualification examination, which will provide them with industry-recognized credentials for practicing as professionals in the field of Interior Design.
You can find an Online Interior Design School today to begin preparing for that exciting new career in Interior Design by searching the many options right here at
Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved
Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for
M. Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Interior Design Online at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools
Article Source:
Interior Design Education
Interior design education programs provide training and skills in a variety of disciplines in relation to the fascinating field of interior design. An interior design education allows prospective interior designers to determine a client's needs, draft aesthetic design concepts that are both functional and in accordance with standards and codes, present final designs for approval, and partner with other professional services (e.g., electrical, mechanical, etc.) to enhance the functionality and quality of interior living spaces.
In a vocational school, students can gain a professional education in architecture, basic engineering, computer aided design (CAD), textiles, drawing, ergonomics, furniture design, perspective and spatial planning.
Many postsecondary schools that offer an interior design education will award degrees or professional certificates. Upon successful completion, graduates can go on to an apprenticeship program, after which they may take a national licensing exam from the NCIDQ (National Council Interior Design Qualification) to become a certified, licensed or registered Interior Designer. (Licensing requirements and titles may vary from state to state.) In addition, many professionals will seek continuing education courses to maintain licensure.
A quality arts and design education enables the graduate to work in several design industries, including architecture, engineering, fashion, furniture manufacture, and other related design fields. Of course, the professional interior designer with an advanced interior design education may opt to become an entrepreneur and create their own line of products and/or services for consumers and commercial markets. While earnings vary depending on level of training and experience, salaries may be as high as $70,000 or more annually.
If you are interested in the creative field of interior design, apply to vocational schools, colleges and universities offering interior design education today!
To find out more about Interior Design Education and Interior Design Schools, you can find more in-depth information and resources on our website.
DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on
Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved by, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc.
Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.
Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Interior Design Schools, Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, and Online Schools at, your educational resource to locate schools. Article Source: |
Interior Design Business Secrets - When Less Really is More
Do you want to know the fastest way to get back a chunk of time? Get back money? Get back your life? PURGE. That's right folks; Spring Cleaning is way over due. I wouldn't have tackled it but for my move, but I can safely say that it has been astounding what I have found taking up space, time, and money.
It is easy to understand how it takes up space, but I bet you're wondering what I mean when I say time and money. Consider this, most of us have a finite amount of space and when that is full what do we do? We store it! This is got to be one of the greatest errors we make both in business and personally. Unless it is business records needed for tax purposes, if you are storing it you aren't using it, get rid of it.
And time, how does it cost us each time to have too much stuff? Because we can rarely find what we need when we need so we lose valuable time looking for it. Imagine the time you would gain by never looking for a letter misfiled, a quote in the wrong pile, a resource that you managed to bury amongst others you felt sure you'd need but don't. You could gain hours a week, weeks a year, and years in your life!
So remember LESS IS MORE! Use these 5 guidelines for getting rid of what you don't need.
- If it is outdated, get rid of it.
(Hmm, betting that pricelist from 2001 and 2005 isn't valid!)
- If you can find it online, get rid of it in reality.
(Yes, I did have a lot of catalogues that are obsolete now.)
- If you haven't opened it in 2 years and don't know what it is, get rid of it.
(You will lose more time going through junk or getting nostalgic over stuff.)
- If you are storing it, chances are good you don't need it, reevaluate that expense.
(This is the perfect time to cut loose old equipment, ancient furnishings, professional learning materials and more.)
- If your paper files duplicate your online files, get a guaranteed remote back up and save the space, and your peace of mind.
(I've had one of these for over a year and never worry about losing data for any reason.)
With the time, money, and space you save, you can enjoy a lighter, freer life and take a well deserved vacation!
© Copyright Melissa Galt 2008
Are you an interior designer, decorator, stager or redesigner ready to take your business to the next level? Do you need systems for business success so you can work smarter, not harder? Are you stuck in the daily operations and miss doing the design? Check out and join others just like you who are taking action today for a brighter tomorrow. Melissa Galt is the Six Figure Interior Design Professional and Interior Design Success Systems Specialist, she can be found online at and on Facebook and Twitter by name. Get in touch, why wait another day to get the success you've been missing? Article Source: |
The 7 Interior Design Mistakes
1. Don't Forget... "The Wow Effect"
We have all seen it before. At times it is almost impossible to describe. Everyone is trying to create this dramatic effect in their home or business, but it is very elusive. There truly is an art to creating "The Wow Effect". Most Architects and Interior Designers will look back on their careers, and reflect on one or two projects that they are most proud of. On those occasions, they were able to bring all of the Interior Design elements together and create... "The Wow Effect".
When you are just beginning your Interior Design Project, set the visual and effect goals for the project very high. If members of your design team can see that you are not passionate about the project, they will follow your lead, resulting in a less than dramatic effect.
There will be many days, when it seems like every idea that is presented, falls short of creating the drama. When this happens, sleep on it, and take your Interior Design Project with you to bed. Think about the emotion and sense the completed vision of your project. The next day, you will be amazed at the variety of ideas that will present themselves. Not sure why this works... just know that it does.
2. Oops... Clearly Identify The Vision Of Your Project
Often times when we are beginning a project, we are so eager to get started, we will hurry out, choose our favorite wall color, and start painting. Next, we will begin our search for the other layers of the project. Unfortunately, many times the effect does not always create the drama we had hoped for.
Important - At the very beginning of any project, and before anything is purchased, painted, or papered, you must visualize the entire project from beginning to end. You may find a dramatic finish, texture, or fabric, which would require a different shade of paint or change the direction of the Interior Design Project completely.
Most people will minimize the importance of this step. You will invest a lot of time working this process. But, if you truly wish to create a dramatic Interior Design Project, you must visually complete your project from beginning to end. There is no easy way to do this. The more specific the details, the greater the chance for a dramatic effect.
3. Funding... Establish an Interior Design Budget
It is so important to identify a budget for your Interior Design Project. The cost for Interior Design can swing dramatically in price. Once you have established your budget, this will provide the needed structure, and will ensure your project is completed on time.
Through the design process, new ideas will be introduced, which may raise your Interior Design budget. Many Interior Design projects are completed in phases. Most of us do not have unlimited funds.
Clearly identifying the approximate cost of the entire Interior Design project, will give you the needed structure for this process.
At this point you can make the decision whether to divide your project into phases. Breaking your project into Interior Design phases ensures that your Interior Design Project will have funding, without settling for a collection of design effects that may fall short of your initial vision.
You can now focus on creating the vision and the drama, without becoming overwhelmed with the financial numbers of the project. Do not begin your Interior Design project, until you have established an Interior Design budget for the entire project. This will become the foundation for the project, and will release your energy to focus on ... Creative and Dramatic Interior Design.
4. Capturing Your Ideas, Always Begin with a ..."Design Board"
Dramatic Interior Design ideas are like the wind. You must capture all of them, when they are going by. Most people do not do this, but this is such an important step.
When you are creating your Interior Design project, put all of your ideas on a presentation board or design board. These are often called concept boards or mood boards.
It is much easier to test new colors, fabrics, textures, or ideas. You will sense when "The Wow Effect" magic is beginning to happen and your Interior Design project is taking form.
Focusing your creative energy is critical to creating "The Wow Effect". There are no short cuts or easy ways to create dramatic design. We have all seen Interior Design Projects, where an investment of a little more thought, and creative focus, may have produced a more dramatic effect.
When all of your ideas are placed on a design board, visually, you will be able to sense what is creating drama and what is not working. Introducing new ideas is much easier and the process will start to flow.
Finally, you will never forget the moment, when everything is working, and your Interior Design project is taking form. It is almost like a "Runners High". All of the Interior Design Element are finally coming together, creating the dramatic vision of your project.
If you truly wish to create "The Wow Effect", do not skip this critical step. Your investment is too great, not to ensure a final dramatic effect. Always use a design board or concept board on any Interior Design project.
5. Understanding ... the Principles of Layering Color, Texture, and Effect
Think about it, almost everything that is appealing to the eye, was created with layers of Color, Texture, and Effect. We love to look at things that incorporated the "Principles of Layering".
Color and Texture are the tools you work with, and Effect is that intangible that is generated when you bring the layers together.
Think of the seasons, how in the Fall, the colors naturally compliment each other. If the wrong colors were introduced, you would not have the same effect.
Your layers will include, your Floor Plan or Unique Spaces of Opportunity, Paint, Italian Venetian Plaster, Faux Finish, Wallpaper, Ceiling Finish, Flooring, Fabrics, Furniture, Drapery, Lighting, Accessories, and Plants.
There truly is an art to layering. On your design board you will learn first hand about the principles of layering. Your senses will tell you immediately what is working and what is not creating drama.
Invest some time to learn more about "The Principles of Layering". There are many good books on this interesting subject. Dramatic Interior Design can only be created in layers.
6. You are the Director ... "The Importance of Staging"
Staging is the process of creating the mood, ambiance, and feelings, for a designated are. This is such an important step to learn.
Correctly staging the area that... precedes your next area of opportunity, is critical to creating "The Wow Effect".
If you have too many colors, decorative items, or visual confusion going on in the staging area, this can and will distract from your unique spaces of opportunity.
Staging will create the maximum effect and control the visual emotion as you move through your home. Drama and effect are rarely created by accident.
Remember, "You Are The Director". How you set the stage, light the room, choose yours colors and texture, will determine the success of your Interior Design Project.
Learn more about the "Importance of Staging" and "How to Stage you Home". If this is done correctly, walking through your home will be like reading a great novel. You cannot wait to get to the next room or chapter.
7. Looking for Ideas? ... Share a Coffee with an Interior Designer
Everyone is always interested in a good idea. If you feel you would like to discuss your ideas and your project with someone else, I would strongly encourage you to meet with an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator.
There is no obligation for this meeting, but you will be surprised how your project will become focused almost immediately. Ask around to your friends for referrals, to view some of there previous projects, and also discuss their fees.
Everyone will not need an Interior Designer. But there may be times, when the layers of your Interior Design project are not coming together. When this happens, meeting with an Interior Designer may be one of the best decisions you ever make.
Finally, creating "Dramatic Interior Design" is a challenging process. You will spend many days of struggle and effort. At times the tension and difficulty of the process, will make you want to surrender. But I am here to tell you, if you stay with it, and invest the time...
"Someday in the still of your home, you may hear your friends or family members quietly whisper ... Wow!
"At that moment, no words need to be spoken, you know in your heart, ... You Did It!"
Mark Nordgren -
Mark Nordgren specializes in the application of imported "Italian Venetian Plaster" and the dramatic "Italian Finishes". As the of the few in the United States to be trained in the ancient techniques. His company "Bella Faux Finishes'' has grown to be one of the leaders in the Midwest in Italian Venetian Plaster. Although not an Interior Designer, just a passionate student of great Interior Design. He is a believer in the importance of using an Interior Designer on each project. Mark, with sons David and Michael, get the opportunity to work on some incredible projects in the Midwest. Their company slogan is... "Every Home Deserves a Room, that Quietly Whispers... Wow!" You can view photos of completed projects of "Italian Venetian Plaster" and the dramatic "Italian Finishes" on his website at Always ranked near the top by Google and Yahoo, visitors from around the world are learning more about Mark's Art and the stunning visual effects of the Italian Plasters. Article Source: |
Considerable Points While Planning For the Interior Design For Your Bedroom
It is very difficult to change around with the bathroom that is now a multi-purpose room once you have started feeling comfortable with it. The primary use of the bed room is to have a sound sleep and you feel comfortable with the setup of the room, and minor changes you make to it would have an potential effect on the pattern of your sleep that have spread to different parts of your body.
Interior design projects for your bedroom should be given a good thought before you do something to them as even a little change like just moving the bed might result in sleepless nights and troubles in the future. When you determine the right time to change the interior design for the bed room, take enough time to plan it out and it can even be planned in different stages in order to ensure there are no all of a sudden changes.
A bathroom also looks like a bed room in the matter that the interior design in the bedroom might be very simple as just changing the appeal of what is there already in the room. The bathroom look can be changed by getting a new curtain for the shower, also some new curtains for the windows and also few things to dress up the bathroom and the entire look of the room would change. A bedroom can also be changed on the similar lines by getting a new bed sheet set, new comforter, and also new drapes and you have all the things needed for a new look of the room. Just changing the sheets can't be considered as a complete interior design for the bedroom however, it does have an impact and just begin to make the room have a different look without having to spend much money.
As a part of new interior design plans for your bedroom, you might want to try throwing a new paint color on to the wall or can also have a design put on the wall with wallpaper. This should always be a great idea but keep in mind that you are planning for a bedroom and this is the place where you spend most of your time than in any other room of the house. Bright colors should always be given a thought as bright patterns of wallpapers, colors for the bedroom are much difficult to get along with.
You can find an entire line of paint colors and shaded for your bedroom in most of the paint companies and the same holds good for even the wallpaper companies. Do consider their suggestion on the colors for your bedroom prior to your start of painting. It is little difficult to sleep in a blood red room or a bright yellow room. A room painted with blood red might end up giving you nightmares and hence you need to plan everything carefully.
A project pertaining to the interior design change in the bedroom should make you feel great as you would make the major impact on the home as you spend most of your time in bedroom. Ensure that any changes you make to the bedroom should be comfortable enough for you to live with. After all, that is the essence of any decor plan, be it rustic home decorating or any other form.
Adam Peters use to write on interior design bedroom and similar subjects for A focused website that offers the best articles on rustic home decorating and rustic country decorating.
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Interior Design Opportunities - From Your Favorite TV Show to a Career
Today's cable programming is filled with shows that teach viewers how to revamp, redesign and remodel their home and work spaces. Popular TV shows like Trading Spaces, Design on a Dime and Flip That House have turned many regular viewers into aspiring interior designers. These entertaining and inspiring shows have made a name in many households, bringing out a creative flare in people who never knew they had one.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Interior Designer employment is expected to grow 19% between 2006 and 2016. This estimate is faster than the average expected for all occupations during that same time period. Job opportunities in both established design firms and for self employed interior designers should grow. The BLS states that "post-secondary education, especially a bachelor's degree, is recommended for entry-level positions in interior design." Many people who are interested in interior design may not realize that there are schools that provide online interior design degrees that fit the needs of busy, working adults.
It may seem far-fetched to start a career because you love a certain television show. But this is a trend that is happening more and more in the design field. And, because of the people who love to watch the shows and want to redesign their homes, but can't do the work themselves, there is the potential for even more work for interior designers. This creative profession takes both an artistic sense and a keen way with people. These traits may come naturally to some people, but business practices and technical knowledge of programs like Auto CAD are skills that should be learned in school.
According to the American Society of Interior Designers, at least 50% of practicing designers in the U.S. have completed two or more years of college or vocational training. Earning a degree in interior design is a great way to gain the technical skills needed to succeed in this demanding and competitive career field and gain an edge over the competition that do not hold interior design degrees. There are several interior design programs throughout the country that offer training to suit the needs of the profession. There are even some schools that offer interior design degree programs online, which are great for working adults who want a career change or want to move up in their existing careers.
Interior design is certainly a career option that is getting a lot of attention due to the popularity of design shows on television. However, it isn't the only option for a creative, rewarding career in design. Graphic design, animation, game design and web design are just a few of the other exciting career options in this field. People who find themselves drawn to interior design should also read about the career options in other design fields. No matter what design career is most appealing, earning a design degree is a smart way to gain the necessary training and credentials for success.
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Computer-Aided Design For Interior Design
Interior designing is not like common household work like fence painting and plumbing that many people are capable to do independently. The art of interior designing requires proper knowledge and coaching which is absolutely necessary.
Any professional in the field of interior designing must have had years of proper coaching and must have always had the ambition and ideas for interior designing which they had never focused on before they had actually left school and considered it as a real career opportunity. But the number of dimensions to interior designing makes it a difficult option for a person looking to build his career on it. There are some fundamentals in commercial interior designing which each professional must know or else he shall face difficulties in completing his projects. That is why it is important to decide on the field of commercial designing you would like to get into, since commercial designing is a vast field of numerous choices. After all, your work and ideas will fetch you money.
Computer Software's are essential tools for Interior designing. The CAD, or Computer-Aided-Design, is a common tool that professional interior designers use to create their interior design art in such a form that can be easily interpreted by the contractor who would work on it. The CAD program is useful in the creation of all sorts of blueprints and drawings of designs that work as the base of the project and without which it is difficult to start off the project. Hence, it is extremely necessary to have a sound knowledge of the CAD in order to excel in the field of interior designing.
A lot has changed in the field of architecture and design in the last 50 years and nowadays, a computer has become crucial to draw and design the projects. If a person learns how to work and design using the CAD software properly, he shall find no difficulty in putting his points across.
An Engineering career runs parallel to the Designing career. It also tests your Engineering skills in different ways in each project. It is necessary to have enough knowledge to decide how the space available on the floor of an office, can be utilized in creating cubicles and also how additional space can be added in a place with less space. It is a vital part of Commercial Interior Designing to know how to utilize and manipulate available space that may not always be equal to the existing space. Often, a professional is called on to create space for things that tests the logical and engineering skills of the person.
The requirement of knowledge from various fields and disciplines like japan interior room design, makes the profession of Commercial Interior Designing all the more challenging. It promises a very rewarding and a lucrative profession in the future. But one must be prepared to study hard for it.
Adam Peters is a syndicated editor of online magazines. Learn more about Japanese furnishing and commercial interior design at
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Flexibility in Options For Interior Design Software
You get a fabulous idea while you sit in the living room of your home and staring at the walls of it. These walls, wouldn't they look amazing in plaid? You wife might just love it. And you think of getting out into the market to buy a paint and surprise your wife by the time she is back home, then you are inviting troubles.
You might really think a plaid room would look awesome, you might also be right. As we are all aware, there is nothing more than decorating your own home with more interior design and improvements and hence you have the software in interior design at your rescue. You find interior design software in various kinds however; you would like the one which is more flexible and provides you the maximum freedom for not only replicating your rooms but also allow you to change around the stuff on your computer. Interior design software that are decent would be slightly costly however they save the costs by preventing the divorce attorney pay alone for these.
You can make use of this software for interior design to check the appearance of your room by trying various colors on the furniture and also different colors for your walls. It is very common during the process of redesigning; people tend to change everything including your furniture's color. So, it is always better to use the software for interior design to check who it would look like using an endless choice of schemes and colors.
The drapes can be matched with the walls and in turn the walls can be made to match the couch. Allowing you to check out everything without the thought that you might make an expensive mistake is the beauty of this software. This software also allows you have your furniture rearranged and check which configuration of the arrangement you would like before appointing people to move this around many a times.
Interior design software can be used to remodel a room completely. You can always check how the room would look like with the complete wall missing or a part of it also missing. Interior design software can not tell us if we are planning to have the load bearing wall being removed. You would never want to dot that actually. Everything that you want can be planned on a interior design software but prior to you begin to pull down the walls, you might prefer to seek an expert contractor's views so that your upstairs wouldn't turn out to be your downstairs.
Another important use of interior design software would be to check how a room would look like after you change its functionality. How would it look when you plan to change one of the bed rooms to library? All this can be checked on the computer without you having to move a single piece of furniture. Projects on interior design can become costly depending on decorating styles and the efficient way to overcome this useless expense is planning ahead.
Adam Peters is the author of many articles on subjects like interior design software and published at Read additional info on Moroccan decorating ideas or decorating styles
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Ideas For Master Bedroom Interior Design
Sometimes however, because the homeowner is intent on trying to make the appearance of the home more beautiful, they tend to neglect the master bedroom. The master bedroom may not receive the needed attention for fresh decorative ideas because not too many people will ever see it. But since a large portion of the day is spent in the bedroom and since some of the most intimate moments in life take place there, it would be a wise idea to take seriously the project of master bedroom interior design.
One of the more important elements to consider for master bedroom interior design is in creating a personal space which will include the things in which the occupants are keenly interested. The room can and should reflect the personality of the owners and at the same time, create an intimate space. Furnishings, colors, and accessories all need to be carefully considered to make sure the room will offer the utmost comfort.
Choices of Color
The decision of the wall color will be an important one in master bedroom interior design. You will want a tone that is pleasant, not too stimulating and which will help to create the desired atmosphere of intimacy. Nearly any color can be used if it is picked in the correct shade for the size of room. If colors are too dark they can make the room feel closed in and much smaller. This may work for a large room that has a good deal of lighting, but can make a small room feel oppressive. Colors that are too light or muted can create a washed out and boring look to a larger room. When picking a color, you will do well to collect a number of samples and look at them in the room. Once the painting has begun, if the color is not what was desired, don't hesitate to stop. Changes should be made before it is too late.
Choice of Bedding
Choose carefully the patterns for bedding and furnishings. If there are two people who occupy the master bedroom, both should have equal input as to the design and colors. Nothing is more frustrating in master bedroom interior design than to come to the completion of the project and to have one person hate it. Allowing time and energy to get the just-right patterns and theme will be well worth it. There are always ways to find a compromise which two people can be happy with. Even if one person likes fishing and another person prefers bouquets of flower, a compromise can always be worked out.
There are, of course, other major choices for master bedroom interior design. Homeowners need to invest time to consider all the options within their budget limit and make choices that they will be happy with. Even if it takes a little more time than was originally planned, it will make all parties happier to end up with a look which makes them love going to their master bedroom for rest, relaxation - and intimacy.
You can also find more info on study interior design. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about interior designs.
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Design Interior Traditional Living Room
If we see the architectural and also furniture designs from 18th and 19th century Europe, we can say that the living room was dominated with traditional style. English styles such as Hepplewhite, Queen Anne, and Chippendale are also commonly designed in traditional living rooms.
Traditional living room design calls for soft lighting to give the room a dramatic feel. The Color palettes in a traditional living room include combination such as burgundy and gold, hunter green and burgundy, and other richly toned hues. Emphasize your living room's color scheme by using repeated colors and patterns on drapes and upholsteries. Make sure your design is elegant and not redundant.
Design Interior Traditional Living Room will take focus on the wall painting. Wall finishes include decorative paint treatments such as faux finishes and murals in addition to the moderate use of beautiful wallpaper. Choose colors that will help accentuate the design, keep the colors in tune to keep the ambiance in tact.
In the traditional living room mostly we can see the furniture wood such as tables, chairs, bookshelves and cabinets. Especially in English country style, They created their sofas and chairs and overstuffed and comfortable, with coverings of velvet or leather.
So, when you decide to make a traditional living room you should avoid clashing textures, colors and loud designs. The furniture itself is part of the traditional living room design style.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cooper Shower Curtain Rail from Agape Design
Wooden Bathroom Vanity for a Contemporary Bathroom Interior
This contemporary vanity from called Stratum has a beautiful look that is easy to add to any contemporary interior, as the linear aspects keep the design so simple whilst effortlessly enhancing its strong design presence. The stylish wooden vanity unit has plenty of storage space for towels and other things that you might want to keep in your bathroom. The doors will hide clutter away behind their smooth exterior surfaces, uninterrupted by obtrusive handles.
Vanessa Hadaway: Balmoral Residence
With the sitting area blending the two shades, a trendy black bath tub along with a cubicle shower in the bathroom and a very trendy kitchen highlighted with a lot of white, the whole Balmoral Residence was meant to please.
Talking about the kitchen it has some of the most modern equipments, a huge white work table in the centre and a black dining table and chairs giving the right contrast to the pure whiteness of the kitchen. The architectural symmetry is balanced by the abstract setting of the interior and the whole interior is an embodiment of both comfort and elegance. The whole thing is by VanessaHadaway. Do you like it?
Interior Decoration
Although the terms interior decorating and interior design are sometimes used interchangeably, each discipline exhibits a distinct difference in its scope. Interior decorating is generally focused on the selection and presentation of interior items within a space, such as furniture, accessories, finishes and room layout. Interior design, on the other hand, involves manipulating the architectural integrity of the interior space.
Interior Architecture
The National Center for Education Statistics's definition of Interior Architecture: "A program that prepares individuals to apply architectural principles in the design of structural interiors for living, recreational, and business purposes and to function as professional interior architects. Includes instruction in architecture, structural systems design, heating and cooling systems, occupational and safety standards, interior design, specific end-use applications, and professional responsibilities and standards."
In the United States, what is considered "interior design" is called "interior architecture." However, a practicing professional cannot use the title of "Interior Architect" unless they complete the requirements for becoming a licensed architect.
In mainland Europe (that is excluding the anglo-Saxon countries) the term "Interior Architecture" is generally used. In many European countries the use of the title "Interior Architect" is legally regulated. For more information see ECIA
Interior Design
The work of a interior designer draws upon many disciplines including environmental psychology, architecture, product design, and traditional decoration (aesthetics and cosmetics). They plan the spaces of almost every type of building including: hotels, corporate spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, and airport terminals. Today, interior designers must be attuned to architectural detailing including: floor plans, home renovations, and construction codes.
Although the terms interior design and interior decorating are sometimes used interchangeably, each discipline exhibits a distinct difference in its scope. Interior design involves manipulating the architectural integrity of the interior space. Interior decorating, on the other hand, is generally focused on the selection and presentation of interior items within a space, such as furniture, accessories, finishes and room layout.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Design Interior Modern Living Room
The living room is the place of first introduction to your guest in your home. In simple terms, the living room is the focal point of a home, and a place that will bring comfort and joy to all of its inhabitants. So, how to create an impression of modernization living room? The idea is to come up with contemporary designs but still patterned to your taste and personality.
1. Focus to the modern living room design
To create your living room as a modern design it doesn't mean that you should be spend more money to buy new items, Simply you only need to create them to be modern look. With simple designs, you can easily come up with modern living room designs.
You can use lighting accessories, such as vanity strips and ornament lights. These items will serve as accent lighting and will emphasize or draw attention to your furniture even if they are not brand new. The idea is to blend modern lighting and not-so modern furniture and demonstrate what modern living room designs are all about.
2. Put some of accessorize
Design interior modern living room is does not necessarily mean buying updated furniture, modern style. Some of modern home accessories can help you to create your living room look as modern design, These items are much cheaper than the brand new fixtures and furniture.
The important thing is you should know about how the modern living room looks like. This would mean using accessories that are elegant, shiny, and patterned in subdued colors such as silver, grey, or black.
3. Choose the color scheme
In order to make your living room looks as modern design, You need to choose the color scheme. Modern homes are usually painted in sleek colors, such as black, white, and silver.
Hence, it is best to stick to basic colors so as to reflect contemporary look. Design interior modern living room for paints are also focused on using matte or flat paint finish. Try to avoid the glossy or shiny paint finish. For the walls, you can stick with the white color and enhance them with modern accessories such as paintings or modern day murals.
4. Create an abstract design
Now days, Many people are patterned their living room in abstract designs. Hence, incorporating these things in modern living room designs will definitely bring contemporary look in your area.
Home accessories such as clocks, picture scenery are can help you to set them create a modern interior design on your living room. Abstract designs provide a playful interpretation on the perception of different things.